Just a photo for your entertainment! I called this one "Pensive Mushu". It was taken a few weeks ago at our new place. I really will get around to posting recent photos of the place, etc., as soon as I can find my camera... Yes, we're moved but the place is absolute chaos. Much of our "stuff" is being stored temporarily in the office and the rest of it sits in our yard while we feverishly try to put finishing touches on the house we've moved into. Important finishing touches though, like mosquito screen and lights! We've had a few dinners by candlelight. I know that's supposed to be romantic, but honestly, at this age I need several planted right beside my plate so I can see my food!
On our first night we figured if we sprayed a healthy dose of repellent on, we'd be fine just like at the old place. Ha! Right. At 2 a.m. I woke because I was being bitten only to discover 8 mosquitoes on the wall. And that's just where I could shine my little DOTiT. By the next night we put up a mosquito net, but it had a few holes. It was the only one I could locate in the chaos of moving. It was better than nothing, but only just. We woke one morning to find 6 mosquitoes inside the net. Needless to say, we've stepped up our malaria prophylaxis! Yesterday after a mad search in the old shipping container that we use to store more of our stuff longer-term, voila...I found a mosquito net without any holes! I think we were fairly "mozzie-free" last night. Because this place is closer to the river, I guess it's just natural that there should be many more mosquitoes. So this is yet another learning curve for us, keeping mosquitoes at bay who REALLY WANT TO BITE!
Besides the many mosquitoes and bugs and "finishing touches" still needed, we really do like our new digs! You will to when you see the pictures. I will post them. Promise!
Other news, a team from South Africa was just here for a few days to work and visit, and tomorrow we welcome Ron and Barb from Mercy Air with some of their friends. Yes, this place is hoppin' and something is always happening! But for now I better run get lunch on then get ready to go to town...let's hope I can find my "town clothes"!