Monday, May 17, 2010

Be Prepared!

During this trip home, we’re taking some time to do some preparation and forward planning—both personally and for the mission work.

On a personal level, we’re working towards getting some important things in place for our retirement/semi-retirement years. Although that’s awhile away for us yet, it’s definitely headed our way. You know those quotes that stress the importance of planning how it wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark? Well, we want to do our best so we’re not caught out in the rain ☺

In terms of the mission work, Dwight and Russ have been very busy this week preparing a video presentation for the upcoming annual SAM banquet. As with any production involving technology, this is no simple affair. Many hours of focused effort go into putting video and audio clips together in order to produce something meaningful.

First, you need a white backdrop (yes, sheets will do) for the “set” so filming of certain segments can take place.

Then you need a script and a video camera and proper lighting and a quiet spot where you can “film”.

That can be tricky…finding a quiet spot in a household of 7+ people who are all busy coming in and going out and cooking and cleaning and answering phones, etc. But they managed. And so, once again, “Russoft Pictures”** churned out yet another informative mission presentation.

(**From the time Russell was young and rearranging the house and scrounging for props like ketchup, paintblankets, and boxes to make homegrown movies, his video projects have always carried the “Russoft” label.)

Yesterday, after months of preparation, the first team of nursing students from Prairie headed for Mozambique on their 3 week rotation. We will miss being there for the first group but plan to be back for the arrival of the 2nd team in June. You can watch their promotional video on youtube, and follow their blog at Journey To Mozambique.

Here are a few more links to current events on the ground in Moz:

A morning at the mission school with Keren.

Central Mozambique is back online! (Pavkov's blog)

Last week, Rick and Heather Neufeld made a trip north to conduct a children’s ministry seminar with pastors and to distribute “Unique Christmas Gift” packs to needy children and orphans. Short termers Mike and Marie-Eve (from Canada) accompanied them and experienced some of the adventure of travel in Mozambique. Here are a few of the photos Heather took of the trip.

Yes. Always be prepared :)


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