Monday, April 08, 2013

Flying Charlie Nine and all

I'll start by explaining Charlie Nine. Charlie Nine is the mission's Cessna 182 whose call sign was recently changed from Charlie Golf (Canadian registration) to Charlie Nine (Mozambican registration). Recent changes in the Mozambican aviation dept. required that the Cessna be imported. After a fairly lengthy process with lots of paperwork, flight tests, etc., the aircraft now sports the new call sign that starts with C9!

The importation process included a flight between Chimoio and Maputo so Andy and Dwight could get their Mozambican pilot's license validations. I went along because I'm my husband's personal nurse and at the time, he needed me with him. :)

Vilanculos Airport, note the C9-CBK (barely visible but still, noteworthy) on the aircraft's tail.
Me in the back seat while Andy and Dwight fly pilot/co-pilot. 
Approaching Maputo. The place has sure changed since we lived there in 1993.

Now for the "and all" part--a series of photos that captures our lives since February.

ASAM (Love Mozambique = SAM Ministries' agent in Mozambique) held its Annual General Meeting in February in the Conference Room above Selva Restaurant. The reports on all the programs were AWESOME. I will try to put a PDF on the SAM Ministries website in case you're interested. The highway traffic outside was sure noisy though. Perhaps next year we'll host the day ourselves. Still, it was a good day.
We had a few interesting visitors during the rainy season. I believe this was an Eastern Tiger Snake. Very pretty. Dwight turned him lose in a tree in our yard to hunt. Sure hope we were right about the species...
This little guy we found right there at the top of the door when Dwight opened his office door one day. I don't think we ever did identify what species he was but Dwight, who is kind to all things living, managed to capture him in a bucket then turn him lose as well some place in our yard.
The health posts have had to deal with some interesting/challenging things as usual.  This particular gentleman had a close encounter with the pavement, thankfully not with high-speed traffic which is the norm and which we initially feared. He went home the same day and recovered quickly from his superficial wounds. Our medication supply has been very restricted of late as policies in the country's Health Dept. change with the times. A roll or two of gauze and 1000 Tylenol/Paracetamol doesn't go very far when you're serving several communities of several thousand people. 
Our monthly socorrista (health worker) meeting where we discuss and trouble shoot everything from pigs wallowing in mud near the community pump to malaria, anemia, stroke, convulsions, etc. and what to do when you come across them in the rural setting. Such interesting times. (Left to right: Paulina, Celestino, me, Ernesto, Simon).
I've spent a fair amount of time at the mission's school and health post for the last few months, both assisting with the literacy/library program and helping Ernesto at the health post. This is his son, dressed up as "See-pee-dah-mahn". At least we have the basics down pat :)
Eric and Elizabeth Benner were here from Ft. McMurray and were such a blessing helping wherever/whatever we plugged them into. This photo was taken the day of the parent/teacher meeting at the school when it rained cats and dogs and then we got stuck in the river on the way home because the bridge had washed away. After that, Eric had his work cut out for him...thanks for all your hard work Eric and Elizabeth!
A group from Switzerland was so kind as to come work with us and pour the hangar floor. It was amazing to watch the transformation over less than a week from dirt ground to level concrete.
Then there is the work that happened on the Maintenance Facility. Here, one of the iron i-beams gets ready to be set in place, rural Mozambique style, by sheer brawn and muscle.
The Canadian team from Summerland, B.C., who invested their blood, sweat and tears to make such great progress on the Maintenance Facility. Seems I was either sick or traveling for a good part of the time they were here, but they're of tough stock and took care of themselves pretty well!
Eric working on the new bridge with the guys, rural Mozambique style, more brawn and muscle.
Joao's (far right) house takes shape. After years of living in a tent, he gets to move into a building with solid walls (soon as it's done). Yay!!
With the coming and going of people, we had several "bring-'n-braai's" together. Good food, good fellowship. Here I am with Leila in the camp kitchen doing last minute prep before we eat.

That's just the surface but with that I'll wrap it up there for this time. Thanks to my husband who got so many amazing photos that I missed. :)


Check out for more news.


Russell said...

Thanks for the pictures, mom :)

Rick Cogbill said...

Thanks for the update, Lynn. Always love your "wrap-ups" of life out there! Hope you and Dwight are feeling well after all that sickness.

Patti said...

Always enjoy your blog :)

Patti said...

Always enjoy reading your blog Lynn :)