Dwight and I were enjoying a 10 minute expresso at the end of our day (and week) yesterday at what I think is the only gas station in Chimoio that sells them. They're probably the best in town, too. Anyway, as we sat and sipped from the small paper cups I noticed some cute, fluffy birds nearby. They were busy flitting and hopping around, pecking at this and that speck on the ground. Tasty morsels, I'm sure. And I couldn't help but marvel at how they live their lives pretty much oblivious to the human world around them. Politics, progress, international crisis--even the latest electronic gadgets--have little effect on them. All's well so long as their nest and food are in order. It's just that simple.
I've been using a Nokia cellphone for the last little while and took some of this week's photos with its whopping 2.0 megapixel camera. (Note to self: only use the Nokia for daylight outdoor shots.) If I recall correctly, our first digital camera took 2.0 megapixel pictures. We thought we were on the cutting edge of technology back then. Now, 2.0 megapixels barely cuts it. That's progress, I guess.
Anyway, onto the week's events--some of which were captured with 2.0 megapixels.

This is Monday-ish morning and an elderly lady in one of the mission programs receives a new set of crutches. Her old ones were too short and one of the handles was just a straight piece of wood. That would be ok for someone not entirely dependent on crutches, but for someone who needs them for everything but sleeping...ergonomic hand grips are important. She lost one of her legs to a landmine incident.

The crutches came from Barb. She needed them at some point in the past, but not anymore.
Don't you love those moments?

I snapped this quick shot while picking Celestino up to go do burn dressings on a very likable elderly gentleman. This is the line-up for vaccinations just outside the health post. The health department vaccinated for 2 days until supplies ran out.

This is one of many visits to this old man's home. It always amazes me how when we change his dressings, he never even so much as winces. I'm guessing he's been through a lot. His name is Robert. When I asked him, "Robert...
Mugabe?" He smiled and said, "Oh no, I was born LONG before he was!" Thankfully, his burn wounds are recovering very well. Sadly, I won't get to see him many more times.

This was Friday (wee jump in time). Dwight and I were headed to town and received a call that someone urgently needed to get to the hospital. The lady we helped was very sick, indeed. We fixed a bed for her so she could lie down in the back. It took awhile for the family to gather her things and get her ready. While we waited, I took a few photos.

Facing north on the Tete corridor.
When we dropped the patient off at the nearest hospital, the director asked if we wouldn't mind transporting 2 other patients since we were on our way to Chimoio anyway. "Our only ambulance is broken at the moment." he said apologetically. And so we loaded up a pregnant woman in labor (who was toxic--pre-eclamptic), and a woman struggling with an asthma attack. Thankfully we were able to deliver them safely to the Chimoio hospital for further care.

The container with a tractor and backhoe arrived this week (from the U.S.) It's been en route for several months now, so this was a very happy moment! (It was also captured on my 10 megapixel Lumix :) Yes, progress is good.)

First, the tractor and some small stuff got unloaded.

Then the backhoe.
Looking at it made Heather and I reminisce about the Dr. Seuss book "Are You My Mother?"

It took Ron a bit of work to get this thing out. It was in there pretty tight!

We were all relieved when it was completely out. No mishaps, no injuries. Yay!

On the inside looking out.

Mercy Air has had a team here this week. Besides helping unload the container, they've been busy working on the Mercy Air house.

Here they are hard at work :)
(Ok, they WERE hard at work just before we got there!)

The training center got its first few lines of roof tiles put on the other day. In my mind I can see the running of classes inside those rooms already! Classes that will prepare young people for a better future, classes to help young mothers prepare for a safer delivery, classes that better equip church leaders for leading their people, classes to help equip school teachers, etc.
Yes, progress is good, indeed.